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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

✐PhOeBe's Healthy Kitchen Diary: 4.Spicy Chicken Bulgogi

♡Spicy Chicken Bulgogi
If you are craving for something spicy, try this spicy chicken bulgogi~

Ingredients: 4 oz. chicken breast, 1 tsp. red pepper powder, 1tsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp. sugar and 1 jalapeno pepper

Heat wok or skillet over high heat and oil spray. Add all the ingredients and stir fry. You may add some more veggies such as broccoli, onions, carrots etc. depending on your personal preference.
Super simple,huh?? But it's yummilicious!!! Serve with one serving of brown rice which is 160 calories and some fresh veggies for balanced nutrition.

Detailed Nutrition Fact 

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