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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6-Day Fat Shred Diet

If you don't lose pounds and inches at all, start off brand new again. Never Ever give up!! Just keep trying and trying and you will get on the right track. : ) I'd like to share a 6-day diet plan that is designed to ramp up the metabolism. This diet is high-protein, low-carb diet and it will force your body to use stored body fat for fuel by limiting carbs at the same time it increases your metabolism. My boy friend and I sticked to this diet plan and both of us were able to  shed some pounds off. He lost about 7 lbs & also inches around waist and I lost 4 lbs for 6 days!!!  I just companied him as his great "fitness buddy" so that he can stick with the diet plan. I was very happy to see him getting the good results. However, I had to add good carbs right away when I was done with this diet plan since I needed more energy to keep up with my high metabolism and maintain performance in my high-intensity workout. Exercise along with good diet made me boost up my metabolism and I'm a living proof. : )   Some of you might think by now like 'wow, then I will lose lots of weight by sticking with this diet'.. I'll say "NO" to the thought you might be having now..It is not recommended to go on this diet for a long term. I can only recommend that you follow this diet a week or two (maximum)! Eventually you need good carbs to fuel your body so that it can perform properly during your workout. Oh, I almost forgot to mention!! Make sure you exercise for like an hour with pretty high intensity for six days also,okie??! Critical part of this diet is getting all the "right" ingredients and you can play with ingredients like substituting certain item for equivalent item.

Day 1

Breakfast: Blueberry Smoothie
1 scoop whey protein powder
1 cup fresh blueberries
4 oz. water or lite soy or skim milk

Mix in blender with a scoop of ice

Morning Snack
15 to 20 raw almonds or walnuts

Lunch: Lean turkey Salad
1 cup fresh mixed greens
1/4 cup chopped cucumber
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms (if you can't eat raw mushrooms, steam it ; ))
1/2 cup carrots
1 Tbsp. red wine vinaigrette or other vinaigrette dressing but no ranch, blue cheese!!
4 oz. roasted turkey breast

Afternoon snack
4 oz. low-fat cottage cheese
3/4 cup sliced strawberries

Dinner: Fish
4oz. fish (halibut, cod, red snapper or turbot)
1tsp chopped garlic
1/4 tsp chopped fresh thyme (optional, you can use pepper instead)
1/4 chopped tomato
1/2 juiced lemon
2 cups asparagus
2 Tbsp water
little bit of salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place fish on a cooking foil with 2 Tbsp. of water (it's to provide steam). Top with tomato, garlic, thyme, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Wrap tightly and place on a baking sheet, and bake for 15 to 20 mins. and Boom!!! Your dinner is ready! Oh, steam asparagus and serve with fish~

Day 2

Breakfast: Strawberry banana smoothie
1 scoop whey protein
1/2 banana
1/2 cup strawberries
4oz. water or lite soy or skim milk
Mix in blender with a scoop of ice

Morning snack
Swiss and Roast beef roll-up
4 oz. lean deli sliced roast beef
1 oz. low-fat swiss cheese slices (doesn't have to be exactly swiss cheese, you can get low or non fat cheddar chees also)
Dab of mustard (yellow, whole grain, Dijon)
Layer and roll together , then to your mouth!!

Lunch: Tuna Garden Salad
1 cup romaine lettuce
1 cup chopped broccoli
1 tbsp red wine vinaigrette or other vinaigrette sauce
4 oz. flaked white tuna (water packed!!!!)

Afternoon snack
15-20 raw almonds

Dinner: Chicken Delight
4oz. skinless chicken breast
2 cloves garlic
2 cups of spinach or broccoli
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Top with garlic, salt and pepper and wrap it tightly. Cook for 20min or a bit more till cooked thorough.
Steam veggies and sprinkle with seasoning if you have any. (there are various kinds of veggie seasoning in seasoning aile~)

Day 3

Breakfast: Swiss, mushroom , and broccoli omelet
3 egg whites, beaten
1 whole egg
1/2 cup broccoli
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms

Cook in cooking spray.

Morning Snack
1 scoop whey protein powder
4 oz. water or lite soy or skim milk

Lunch: Grilled Shrimp Caesar Salad
1 and 1/2 cups romaine lettuce
1 Tbsp. light caesar dressing
4 oz. peeled, deveined shrimp
Grill seasoning of choice
1 lime
1 Tbsp. grated parmesan cheese

Preheat grill or grill pan, squeeze lime over shrimp, and season with grill seasoning. Cook shrimp approx. 3 minutes or until done. Toss salad with Caesar and add shrimp! It was my favorite! YumYum :9

Afternoon snack
15-20 raw almons or walnuts

Dinner: Tuna
4 oz. tuna steak
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 Tbsp. chopped scallions
2 cups bok choy or cabbage
Salt and pepper

Preheat skillet, lightly coat pan with cooking spray, and cook tuna about 2 minutes per side or to your desired doneness. Steam bok choy then serve with Tuna and sprinkle both soy sauce and scallions

Day 4

Breakfast: Berry Energy Smoothie
1 scoop whey protein
3/4 cup mixed berries
4 oz. water, lite or skim milk

Morning Snack
5 oz. roasted deli turkey breast
1 oz. low-fat cheese slices  and dab of mustard.
Layer and roll together, then your mouth again~

Lunch: Salad
1 cup romaine lettuce
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup chopped broccoli
1 Tabp. balsamic vinaigrette or other vinaigrette
4 oz. sliced lean meat of your choice

Afternoon snack
15-20 raw almonds or walnuts.

Dinner: Steak
4 oz. lean beef steak  (sirloin, skirt hanger)
2 Tbsp. vinegar
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh garlic
I mist cooking spray
1 cup asparagus
1/2 cup carrots
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat grill or grill pan. Place steak in a plastic storage bag and add garlic and vinegar. Cook steak approximately 5 minutes per side or to your desired doneness

Day 5

Breakfast: Mushroom, cheese, and spinach omelet
3 egg whites, 1 whole egg beaten
1 cup spinach
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1 oz. low-fat cheddar cheese
Cook in pan lightly misted with cooking spray

Morning Snack
Cottage Cheese and Blueberries
5 oz. low-fat cottage cheese
1 cup blueberries  Yum : 9

Lunch: Tuna Salad
1 cup mixed baby greens
1/4 cup chopped cucumber
1 cup chopped broccoli
1 Tbsp. lite vinaigrette
4 oz. flaked tuna ( choose the one packed in water!!!)

Afternoon snack
1 scoop whey protein
4 oz. lite soy or skim milk

Dinner : Chicken
4 oz. Chicken breast
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp. chopped scallions
2 cups spinach
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Place chicken on the foil with spinach and drizzle lemon juice on top. Wrap tightly and cook for 20 mins. or more till cooked thorough.

Finally it's Day 6!!!! Yay~

Breakfast: Strawberry Power Shake
1 scoop whey protein
1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries
4 oz. water , or lite or skim milk

Morning snack
15 to 20 almonds or walnuts

Lunch: Salad
1 cup romaine lettuce
1/2 cup chopped cucumber
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup chopped broccoli
1 Tbsp. balsamic vinaigrette (my favorite!!!!!!) or equivalent dressing
2 oz. sliced meat of your choice (chicken or turkey)

Afternoon snack
Turkey and swiss roll-up
5 oz. roasted deli turkey breast
1 oz. low-fat swiss cheese slices
Dab of mustard (yellow, whole grain, Dijon; personally I like Dijon<3)

Dinner: Chicken Dijon (This is really goooooood!!!! I might have this for dinner today!!!)
4 oz. chicken breast
2 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
2 cups chopped broccoli
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place chicken on the foil and top Dijon, and wrap tightly. Cook for 20 minutes or until cooked thorough. Serve with steamed broccoli.

운동을 하는데도 체중도 줄지않고 치수도 줄지 않는 분들.. 압니다 알아요, 실망스럽고 답답하죠.. 그렇다고 절대 포기하시면 안되요..새로운 마음으로 다시 시작하면서 문제점을 찾아내고, 그 문제점에 대한 해답을 또 찾아내서 문제를 풀어나가면 되는거예용~ 운동도 열심히 하면서 좋은 것만 몸에 줄 준비가 되었다면 오늘 제가 소개해드릴 "6일간의 지방 태우기 작전"에 돌입해 보심이 어떨런지.. 6일간은 철저히 탄수화물 소비를 제한 하는 식이요법인데요, 보통 "고단백 저탄수화물' 식이요법이라고들 하죵~  특히 이 6일간은 쌀밥을 주 식사로 하는 한국분들에겐 크나큰 고통이 아닐수 없습니다..하지만 딱 6일만 이 식이요법을 유지하시고 7일째부터는 몸에 좋은 탄수화물을 다시 추가해서 먹으면 된답니다.. 이 작전의 목적은 에너지원으로 쓰이는 탄수화물을 제한함으로써 몸에 축적된 지방을 탄수화물 대신 연소원으로 쓰려는 거죠..
 단백질( 한국에서 쉽게 구할수 있는 생선, 두부, 달걀등을 이용) 과 야채를 위주로한 식단을 작성하시되 캘로리양은 1500이 넘지 않게 하시면 됩니다..정말 참을 수 없을 만큼 고통스러우시다면 흰 쌀밥대신 현미밥이나 잡곡밥을 삼분의 일 공기만 드시구요.. 위에 제가 소개한 식이요법에 들어가는 재료들은 한국에선 구하기가 쉽지 않은것들이 대부분이고 한국 현실에 맞지 않아서 궂이 저 식단을 권하고 싶지는 않네요.. 제가 지금은 한국에 없어서 시중에서 어떠한 재료들을 구할수 있고 없는지를 모르겠어서 딱히 어떤 식단을 제공해 드릴수가 없지만 한국에 갔을때 (10월에 갑니다용~ㅋㅋ) 부지런히 시장조사를 해서 한국 현실에 맞는 식단을 함 골똘히 생각해보겠사와요~~ 아마 한국 써치엔진에도 좋은 식단이 많이 나와 있을법도 한데용..한번 찾아봐야겠네요...한국에 계신분들에겐 크게 도움이 못되는 식단이라 조금 아쉬움이 남네욧~ 

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